Moving house is considered to be one of the most stressful events a person can endure. Yep, it’s right up there with the death of a loved one, and divorce.

Whether or not your kids have had a say in the purchasing decision of your new home, it’s very common for children to misbehave or exhibit moodiness, and even depression, when you start the process of packing up the house and moving.

It takes a near Saint to be able to project manage the entire move AND engage all your child psychology skills at the same time.

So, to help you get into your new home with your hair intact, we’ve put together our top 5 stress reducing tips to get you through the move, with your kids.

Tip #1:   Make it Fun

Even though you’re the adult, it doesn’t mean you can’t make moving a little more fun. Cardboard boxes alone can be heaps of fun for kids so why not get them to decorate and paint some. Make sure you give each child a spare box to jump around and play in – encourage them to create a cubby house in the corner somewhere so as to leave you alone to get some packing done.


Tip #2:   Be a Positive Parent

When discussing the move with your kids, make sure your words are all positive. Ask them what they’re looking forward to. Involve them in the moving process by perhaps using a calendar to add dates and things they can be responsible for ticking off.


Tip #3:  Explore!

It will help your kids to explore the neighbourhood around their new home. Let them take photos of parks, bike tracks, eateries and other things to do in the new area so they can look at them later and talk about them. Ask them what their favourite spot is, and why.


Tip #4:  Dare to let them Decorate

Whilst you might be gritting your teeth on this one, bear with us – you can make it work in your favour. Allowing your kids to plan where everything will go in their bedrooms can actually reduce their anxiety and generate excitement. What does it really matter if the bed starts out in the middle of the room? When it’s movable furniture it’s only temporary, and your kids will love you for allowing them to freely decide how they want their room to look.


Tip #5:  Goody Bags

Finally, let your kids pack their own overnight bag with some clothes, their favourite books, toys, a snack and drink, pillow etc, just like they’re going on a holiday. This will ensure that once you get to your new home, your kids can be kept busy and they won’t feel anxious waiting for Teddy’s box to come off the removalist’s van.


Moving with kids doesn’t have to be stressful. Take on these tips, breathe, and enjoy the adventure.